Serving the Gorge since 2005
The CGTA Executive Team & Partners
DPSST Coordinator - Mike Bozeman
Regional Coordinator, Eastern Oregon DPSST
Participating Counties & Agencies
Wasco County
Hood River County
Sherman County
Skamania County
Klickitat County
Columbia Gorge Community College
Oregon State Police
USFS Scenic Area & Mt. Hood
Life Flight Network
Oregon Department of Forestry
Ellen Dittebrandt Scholarship
This award is given in the memory of Ellen Dittebrandt by the Columbia Gorge Training Association. Ellen was a member of Hood River Fire Department, Mid-Columbia Fire & Rescue and Mosier Fire District. Her passion was for everything EMS and training in general. She shared this enthusiasm with those around her.
This non-renewable annual scholarship of up to $500.00 is available to any member of an affiliated agency of the Columbia Gorge Training Association (CGTA) for the purpose of furthering their education and training.
Mid-Columbia Fire Prevention Co-Op
Our Partners at MCFPC recently created an amazing TEAM teaching video.